May 7, 2022

Aries Do not attach great importance to small disagreements that may arise in the morning. At this time, rather unpleasant conversations with loved ones are not excluded, but they will soon be forgotten and will not affect your relationship in any way. It is important not to get personal and to behave kindly. It is in your power to smooth out all sharp corners. Taurus Take on difficult cases, remember that you have been putting off for a long time. You will do a lot well today. With the support of the stars, you will succeed where others have failed. The day is suitable for putting things in order, getting rid of the unnecessary, repairing what is broken. Probably a good buy. Twins You should not discuss important issues, especially if because of them you have already had a lot of disagreements with others. It will be much more pleasant to talk about cute trifles, at least in the morning. Good news regarding one of your relatives is not ruled out. After receiving them, the mood will immediately improve.