Keep track of your every thought, which contains criticism, evaluation, condemnation, and so on

May 6, 2022

Let's say you're walking down the street and you see a woman in ridiculous clothes, then instead of thinking about how you could choose your wardrobe and combine things, think of, say, 5 compliments addressed to her. Or any reason to look like that. Perhaps she is such a creative person that others will pick up her idea and will also be happy to dress like that. Or maybe they called her in the morning and told the sad news, and it was not at all up to thinking what clothes to choose. The main thing is not to jump out of the house naked in a panic. By learning to think without judgment, it will be easier for you to accept not only the world around you as it is, but also yourself. And this will add completely different colors to life, enliven it and make it more saturated.