How stress affects your skin

May 5, 2022

Cortisol, a stress hormone, affects the sebaceous glands and causes the body to produce more sebum. An increased amount of sebum provokes blockage of pores, which leads to the development of acne. When the body is in a state of prolonged stress, the skin begins to actively react: the ability of the skin to regenerate is impaired; the amount of collagen produced decreases; wrinkles begin to appear actively; the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and gray. How not to aggravate acne: do not use alcohol-containing, drying agents, as this disrupts the microflora of the skin, as a result, harmful bacteria cause inflammation. It is also worth refusing to use a scrub, as a scrub with a large abrasive injures the skin, dries it out, which leads to acne.