May 3, 2022

Capricorn Try to be especially friendly at the beginning of the day, to keep a good mood, even if someone tries to spoil it. It is important not to succumb to provocations, to maintain balance. It will be easier to do this for Capricorns, who have enough life experience. The rest will benefit from the advice of close people, good friends. Aquarius Today, the ability to look at things philosophically and not worry about trifles will be very useful to you. Not everything will turn out the way you would like, but you will not spoil the mood for yourself or others. All emerging problems can be solved quickly, and this will happen largely because you will approach any task creatively. Fish Start the day with the hardest things to do. You will deal with them faster than expected. A successful combination of circumstances will allow you to solve the problem that has recently disturbed both you and your loved ones. Changes for the better in the field of finance are likely, cash receipts from unexpected sources.