May 3, 2022

Scales Intuition will tell you that you need to act decisively, and will not be mistaken. The day will open up new opportunities, and you will try not to miss any of them. Unusual acquaintances, meetings with people are likely, communication with which will help you look at many familiar things differently. Some Libras will decide that it's time to change their lives, and take the first steps in the chosen direction. Scorpion In the morning it will be difficult to remain calm. Minor misunderstandings, domestic problems are possible, for the sake of solving which some pleasant things will have to be postponed. But the impact of positive trends will increase rapidly, the mood will soon improve. Sagittarius The day will be unusual and memorable. Today, many things will not turn out the way you expected, but this will not upset you at all. Quite the contrary: there will be reasons for joy, new opportunities will open up. There will be a chance to do exactly what you have long been interested in.