May 3, 2022

Scales Good news and unexpected meetings will cheer you up. It is possible that plans will need to be changed; it will make you happy, not upset. There will be a chance to visit some unusual places or attend events that you have heard a lot about. There you will not only learn something important, but also meet very unusual people. Scorpion Be persistent. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve all your goals at once, but if you do not quit what you started halfway, then by the evening you will be satisfied with the result of your work. You will often have to act on your own, and you are unlikely to complain about it. On the contrary, many Scorpios will be pleased that they do not need to consult with anyone and explain nothing. Sagittarius I would like to act faster, but this is not always possible. Delays in business are likely, agreements on which you had high hopes may be violated. But all this will not lead to serious problems. The stars will favor you and you will succeed if you persevere.