Red cabbage drink

April 28, 2022

This remedy cleanses the body like a brush. The drink contains red cabbage, which is rich in antocides, very beneficial for the body. Cabbage also contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. The benefits of red cabbage: reduces pressure, strengthens blood vessels and makes them more elastic. Cabbage juice removes toxins from the body, cleanses the liver. Phytoncides contained in red cabbage are known for their ability to fight tubercle bacillus. Regular consumption of cabbage juice reduces the risk of breast cancer by half. Cabbage leaves in the form of compresses are able to heal wounds, burns, and relieve headaches. Strengthens nails. Accelerates metabolism and normalizes the process of digestion. How to prepare a drink: 300 g of red cabbage, 1 green apple, a handful of fresh basil, a handful of fresh mint Preparation: cut all the ingredients coarsely and beat in a blender until liquid. Drink 2 times a day for a glass before meals.