April 27, 2022

When the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, you constantly want to eat. ⠀⠀ Too many calories, vitamin deficiency, the picture is so-so. Therefore, this aspect is perhaps the most important in the nutrition program for those who want to lose weight. After 2-3 weeks, changes occur not only in weight, but also in well-being. After all, up to 95% of serotonin is produced in the intestines. Processed carbohydrates, sandwiches, sugar, fast food - inhibit beneficial bacteria and provoke gastrointestinal disorders. PRODUCTS FOR MICROFLORA 1. Sour milk enriched with probiotics + natural yogurt + Greek yogurt (almost no lactose - milk sugar) + kefir (fresh, good quality) + acidophilus + curdled milk + fermented baked milk. 2. Pickled vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, beets, pickled apples are prepared using the lacto-fermentation process. As a result, a substance is produced that not only gives a specific taste, but also creates an optimal habitat in the intestines for probiotic bacteria.