Starch against wrinkles

April 27, 2022

Starch against wrinkles - the effect is no worse than from injections! You will always have time to resort to Botox injections. Instead of this remedy, try a mask based on ordinary starch. Experts say that the effect from it is no worse than from injections. The mask is intended for mature skin with signs of fatigue. It remarkably eliminates fine wrinkles and folds and moisturizes the skin. The mask is being prepared: Take 1 tbsp. potato starch, dissolve it in half a glass of water and pour into the pan. Then add 500 ml of boiling water and cook until thickened. Add 5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix thoroughly, cool and apply a thin layer on the face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply cream on the skin of the face. Store the remaining mass in the refrigerator and use within three days. This mask remarkably eliminates small wrinkles and folds, moisturizes the skin and generally acts almost like the notorious Botox. For a more effective result, the mask should be done 3 days in a row.