What vitamins and minerals do women need

April 27, 2022

Vitamins of group B. For the assimilation of vitamin B12, an almost perfect work of the digestive system is necessary. The lack of this vitamin can be caused by insufficient acidity of the stomach. And women over 30 are at risk. More often than not, we intuitively avoid meat products because they make us feel bad. And the more we avoid them, the more the acidity of the stomach decreases. As a result, meat products are not digested, and we begin to lack B vitamins, especially B12. If everything is in order with acidity, then further problems may arise due to poor intestinal microflora. It is there that B vitamins are finally absorbed with the help of bifidobacteria. Deficiency symptoms: fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, anemia, impaired sensation in the hands and feet.