Spontaneous actions

April 26, 2022

Spontaneous activities are the world's most popular way of organizing your day. Its essence is not to plan anything in advance, but simply act according to circumstances. When choosing what to do now, a person is not guided by long-term goals, but simply reacts to some external and internal “irritants”. We do not rely on long-term plans, and without them it is very difficult to improve our lives. As a result, the effect of "squirrels in the wheel" appears. Therefore, this method is great for the following situations: Organization of the weekend. A break from time management. Adviсe. If one day you decide to use "spontaneous planning", try to start by remembering: do you have any mandatory tasks today? Don't forget about "thinking traps". Starting the next lesson, ask yourself: is it really important? If a lot of things suddenly hit you, it's better to return to more traditional time management at least for a while.