Forecast for the week from April 25 to May 1

April 25, 2022

Forecast for the week from April 25 to May 1. At the beginning of the week, it can be difficult to keep your composure. Finding a common language with others will be more difficult than usual, disputes can arise over the most insignificant reasons. It will be especially difficult at this time for those who are striving for cardinal changes. Such people may encounter problems in the implementation of their plans. But the impact of positive trends will increase every day. The middle of the week will be favorable for communication. At this time, even very different people will be able to reach mutual understanding, agree on something important. This time is suitable for making serious decisions, deciding on plans for the future. On April 30 we will have a solar eclipse. You should not expect anything bad from this day, but it is important to tune in the right way. It is important not to be led by negative emotions, not to make hasty decisions, try not to judge people by their first impression. The last days of the week are well suited for useful deeds. Remember: everything that you do for others at this time will be useful to you.