Rating of wives by zodiac sign. Continuation

April 25, 2022

5th place. The top 5 best wives according to the sign of the zodiac are opened by the Virgo woman - not so much a wife as a best friend and comrade-in-arms. The Virgos are convinced that the husband and wife should not look at each other, but in one direction, and in the one that the Virgo chooses. So, on the one hand, being a Virgo's husband is extremely beneficial - it's like being an alpha male in a wolf pack: the leader, of course, is not you at all, but a she-wolf, but formally you have a status. Unless, of course, you are a sheep in a wolf's clothing. It is very simple to check yourself for belonging to the "family of bovids": if the insightful Virgo, seeing the ring, did not immediately say "yes", but stated that she "needs to think" - you are still a ram. Run, brother. Run fast.