Such signs go away forever, burning bridges behind them.

April 19, 2022

Aries, Leo and Aquarius are those signs of the Zodiac that do not enter the same river twice. If others do not exclude the possibility of returning to former partners after a certain period of time, then representatives of these three signs burn bridges behind them and do not even look back at past relationships. By the way, Aries and Aquarius are among those signs of the Zodiac that are difficult to "tame". Aries Aries are used to constantly competing, and in the event of a breakup, they will do everything to prove their superiority over you and quit alone. Therefore, you should not count on friendship after this. a lion After parting, it will not be possible to return Leo either with the help of complaints or with the help of persuasion. Leos are naturally vain. They are not used to sharing their partner with someone, even a former one, with someone else, and they do not intend to listen to new suitors of exes. Aquarius The representative of the air element does not give a damn. It is difficult for them to invest in relationships and in most cases people of this sign take a passive position. It will be easiest for them to let a person go to all four sides.