Forecast for the week from 18 to 24 April

April 19, 2022

At the beginning of the week, many will want to discuss some serious issues. Conversations, sometimes tense, will be more than usual. Try not to impose your point of view on others, listen carefully to those who disagree with you in some way. It will be very important to be able to take into account the opinions of others, to protect your interests so that no one has a reason to be offended or angry. If you doubt your diplomatic skills, consider whether it would be better to postpone such conversations. Over time, getting along with others will become easier. The second half of the week is the time when even visionaries and dreamers will look at things more realistically, will not start to hover in the clouds. And this means that it will be possible to agree on some common affairs with them, avoiding misunderstandings. These days are also suitable in order to restore old ties, to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel.