Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

April 18, 2022

On Sunday, dreams related to rest, relaxation, travel will definitely come true, most likely this will happen next Wednesday. Dreams of a different nature will come true only partially. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are under the influence of the Sun. Usually they are light, light, weightless, embodying your creative side. Sunday dreams are distinguished by their special realism, goodwill, warmth, they usually remain in memory and involuntarily we want to see the continuation of the dream, it can impress us so much. If a dream from Saturday to Sunday pleased you, turned out to be bright, hospitable, inspiring - expect to see a new interesting gifted unusual talent soon, maybe you will even meet your soul mate or a long-standing conflict or dispute will be resolved, you yourself will be able to discover new abilities and talents. The most memorable and incredible dreams will visit you at the dawn of the Sun, you may not remember the whole dream, but throughout the day you will remember important passages from the dream. Dreams that left an unpleasant aftertaste, heavy and dark, most likely indicate that you are very overstrained. Pay attention to such a dream, this is a kind of warning, take care of your health, try to relax, get enough rest, do not burden yourself with unnecessary work.