The 3 most unbearable signs of the zodiac in old age

April 15, 2022

Aries ♈ These stubborn people know in their youth what and how everyone should do, which they do not forget to tell in detail. With age, unquestioned authority is added to this, references to life experience, which is why it is better not to argue with them. However, they won't even let you open your mouth. Virgo ♍ Their perfectionism is gaining momentum every year, so those around you need to have a lot of patience to listen to endless admonitions on where socks should be, at what height a towel hook should be nailed and how much water to use per day. Libra ♎ Being young at a far from girlish age is just about Libra. They become especially sensitive to new wrinkles, so their conversations are more like moaning about former beauty. It is impossible to listen to this, but it will be necessary - everyone has their own fad.