Rating of wives by zodiac sign. Continuation.

April 15, 2022

11th place. Marrying Rybka is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, which will look at you all your life as a regrettably fragrant result of a long digestion process. At the same time, Rybka costs much more than cats, but they bring the same benefit: sometimes, if Rybka deigns to be in a good mood, you can take it in your arms and squeeze it a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get addicted to this purring, like hard drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. It's great, right? So it's not surprising that Pisces, as the best wife according to the sign of the zodiac, took the penultimate place in the ranking.