April 13, 2022
The main difficulty with which men come to sexologists is erectile dysfunction. As a rule, it is temporary and is determined by circumstances. Very often, just getting enough sleep and rest is enough to feel like a strong man again. But only a specialist can give such advice. Often a man himself, faced with a difficulty, begins to worry, blame himself or his partner, which exacerbates the problem and provokes neurotic states. Tip: if there was an embarrassment, the most important thing is not to panic, try to identify the cause. It is better to exclude risk factors - smoking, unhealthy food, alcohol consumption, long-term abstinence, lack of sleep, stressful situations. Enlist the support of a partner and calmly try again. Once again. If it still doesn't work, see a doctor. It’s also calm, because everything will be decided safely in any case.