Lucky Magnet

April 12, 2022

Remember the state when you felt lucky, confident, and try to keep it as long as possible. And at the same time imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts this feeling to you from everywhere. After all, the outside world is a continuation of your inner self, while you attract favorable circumstances to yourself, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of your plans. A positive mindset is very effective. I am sure you have noticed that there are times when luck follows luck, or vice versa, even the saying is “trouble does not come alone.” This is just due to our internal mood. After all, if we notice every small favorable moment, even in the form of a ruble found on the floor or the last bread bought in the store, we will subconsciously consider ourselves a winner. And if, at the same time, we assign ourselves the proud title of a lucky person, then luck is guaranteed.