Anti-Aging Nutrition

July 14, 2024

The rules for the anti-aging menu are quite simple: daily diet should include at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables; the basis of the diet should be plant-based food: legumes, grains, vegetables; dairy products should be consumed daily; fats should preferably be plant-based; the amount of sweets and red meat should be minimized. These products should not be consumed daily. Since one of the problems of aging is sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass), daily consumption of protein sources (fish, eggs, meat) is necessary. Anti-aging recipes will include a large amount of vegetables and fruits. Preference should be given to fresh greens rather than heat-treated or canned ones. The most common cooking methods in the anti-aging menu are boiling, baking, and steaming. Caution should be exercised when grinding food in a blender to a uniform consistency. Despite some advantages, this processing increases the absorption of sugars.