Life Instructions from Bernard Werber

July 14, 2024

1. You will receive a body. It may be liked or disliked by you, but it is the only thing that will certainly be at your disposal until the end of your days. 2. You will have to learn in a school called Life on planet Earth. Every person and every event is your universal teacher. 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Failures are an integral part of success. There are no innocent victims - everyone is just a student. 4. The lesson will be repeated in various forms until it is fully learned. If you do not learn the easy lessons, they will become harder. When you learn them, you move on to the next lesson. 5. External problems are an exact reflection of your inner state. If you change your inner world, the outer world will also change for you. 6. You will understand that the lesson is learned when your behavior and attitude towards suffering change. Wisdom is achieved through practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.