Shake Off All Foolish Thoughts from Your Head

July 10, 2024

Shake off all foolish thoughts from your head. Stop poisoning your life with sorrow and longing for things that didn't happen or didn't come true. Leave the past in the past by firmly closing the door behind it. Stop treating the incurable and reviving what has long been dead. Throw away everything broken and remove from your life what does not bring joy. Do not cling to people who do not value you, are not afraid to hurt you, and do not respect you. Stop loving those who do not love you, who do not consider you the only one, and can easily replace you with something better, more convenient, or more profitable. Distance yourself from those who constantly undervalue your abilities, try to instill a sense of guilt in you for actions you did not commit. And remember - you have only yourself and deserve a person for whom you will be a real treasure, who will love you with all their heart and never exchange you for anyone else.