Feminine Tenderness towards Men in their Family

June 27, 2024

Feminine tenderness towards men in their family - husband, father, son. Try not to shout, raise your voice, argue, prove... Avoid these things. Smile. Smile even when it's difficult. Let your man not see gloominess on your face. Fix his clothes when he's about to leave. Even if they fit him perfectly, just give them a touch, adjusting. It's not just about the adjustment itself, it's important to show your attitude. Embrace him. Embrace him often. When he arrives, when he leaves, when he stands, when he sits. Of course, it's important not to overdo it, but you will see for yourself based on the situation. Say that you love him (father, husband, brother, son, grandson, dear uncle, nephew), and that he is very valuable to you. When he leaves, escort him to the door, hold his belongings while he puts on his shoes, wish him a safe journey, and close the door behind him. Compliment him and support him in noble pursuits.