The Wise Parable

June 4, 2024

Once upon a time, an old manuscript accidentally fell into the hands of a beggar. He had planned to use it to start a fire and warm himself, but before doing so, he decided to read it. This is what it said: the person who finds a hot stone on the seashore will obtain everything they have ever dreamed of in life. The beggar thought that he had nothing to lose and set off towards the sea. He picked up stone after stone, but they were all cold, so he threw them into the waves. Days turned into weeks, months, and years went by... And one day, the beggar's hand touched a hot stone... He picked it up and... out of habit, threw it into the sea. Our life is like a seashore, we search for our destiny day by day. It is a great pity if, like that beggar, we pass by what we were searching for, simply because we are accustomed to searching instead of finding...