Interval Running: Burn Fat and Boost Performance

October 3, 2023

You can start burning fat without burning glycogen by incorporating interval running into your routine. Interval running involves alternating between a light jog and a sprint, with the sprint being at maximum speed. For example, start by sprinting at maximum speed until you start to feel out of breath. Then slow down and walk 100 meters to allow your body to recover. Afterwards, start a light jog and repeat the cycle of sprinting and walking. For instance, you can do 200 meters of light jog, followed by 100 meters of sprint, and then 100 meters of walking. For more advanced individuals, you can increase the distance for the sprint. In just 15-20 minutes of interval running, you can burn as much fat as you would in a regular light jog for two hours. Additionally, interval running provides a greater challenge to your muscles, making them stronger. In conclusion, interval running saves you time and delivers far better results than a monotonous long run.