How to Accept a Situation?

September 22, 2023

It's a nightmare when you've been waiting for something and then the dream finally starts coming true, but suddenly all kinds of FEARS come along with it. Fears that something will go wrong, that nothing will work out. They don't let you sleep or even live. What to do? Take a sheet of paper and a pen. For example, if you're worried that your plans might go awry and you won't be able to go where you planned, ask yourself: What would I do if that happened? And give a clear answer: I would stay home. Then ask yourself: What good changes could happen if that happened? And answer, for example: I would visit my sister, I promised her a long time ago. The truth is, when you offer alternatives to your brain and imagine the possible consequences of a specific action, the anxiety decreases and it becomes easier to accept the situation.