How to Properly Digest Meat and What Not to Eat with It

September 11, 2023

How and with what to eat meat for proper digestion. It is not recommended to consume high-carbohydrate and starchy foods along with meat - sugar, sweets, fruits, potatoes, pasta, cereals. Vegetables are an excellent side dish for meat. They help in the more complete assimilation of animal protein. Do not drink water or other beverages while consuming meat. After consuming any protein food, especially animal protein, take a break for at least 2 hours (preferably 3-4 hours). Do not eat meat for breakfast. In the morning, our body needs carbohydrates, from which cells produce energy. Eat meat warm. Cold meat is much more difficult to digest - it spends less time in the stomach, does not have enough time to process and enters the intestines in an insufficiently ready form.