Daily horoscope 4 August.

August 4, 2023

Libra♎️ Auspicious day for work, especially intellectual work. You excel at solving many problems, succeeding in cases that require attention to detail and consideration of various factors. Today, Libra will have the opportunity to learn something new, significantly expand their horizons, and also meet people whose rich life experience will be useful to you. Scorpio♏️ Minor troubles are not ruled out in the morning, but they should not be taken to heart, as everything will be settled quickly. The rest of the day is extremely successful for Scorpios, especially for those who set themselves high goals and make grandiose plans. Decisiveness and courage today contribute to success; ingenuity will not be superfluous either. Sagittarius♐️ The day is inconsistent and ambiguous, you will have to be nervous. Do not lose optimism, do not give up if obstacles arise on the way: you will achieve your goal, although not immediately. Legibility in contacts is important, especially business ones, because today there will be many dubious personalities around you.