Horoscope for August. Pisces.

August 2, 2023

Get ready for life changes. They will not be unexpected and sudden, but they may still be more significant than you expected. But in any case, you will have time to think it over, decide how best to act, in which direction to move. You can consult with people who have known you for a long time. Their tips are very helpful. Pay attention to how your relations with business partners and allies develop. August will give you a chance to strengthen important ties, enlist the support of influential people. At the same time, you will understand who is only pretending to support you. Some Pisces will expose the intrigues of old ill-wishers. By the end of August, you will notice that your opinion about many things has changed. It is possible that you want to give up old habits, move on to a completely new way of life. Take your time. Everything will work out if you act consistently and without haste.