Horoscope for August. Sagittarius.

August 2, 2023

You will be in a serious mood at the very beginning of the month and this will be very useful from a business point of view. August will be favorable for work, solving any issues related to finance and business. True, you will need to be patient, because you will not be able to see the results of your labors immediately. But this will not upset you: intuition will tell you that sometimes you can wait a bit. Progress is possible in cases that have been dragging on for more than a month. But in order to achieve it, you will need to rush and push someone, and this will turn out to be a very unpleasant experience. But you will be well aware of what you are trying for, and do not give up until you achieve your goal. Unusual events in the family are likely, good news regarding loved ones. If some disagreements have accumulated lately, in August it will be possible to sort things out and find compromises.