To find out if a man is good in bed, take an interest in his zodiac sign. Taurus.

July 23, 2023

Taurus is one of the most straightforward signs of the zodiac. Surely, all your attempts to somehow beat and diversify a date with Taurus did not bring the expected results. When he is interested in you, it can be seen with the naked eye: typical courtship for this situation, compliments that, if desired, can be predicted. Seduction for Taurus is a progressive process, where step by step he moves towards the goal, with one big “BUT”: these steps are actually a gallop. Taurus wants to possess you quickly and his persistence can be overwhelming. Do not try to change the representatives of this zodiac sign, and even more so, do not be offended: they are what they are, there is nothing to fix. Sex for Taurus is a natural need, the satisfaction of which he will persistently seek from you until he gets what he wants. His stubbornness will not be to everyone's liking, and many women will resent, feeling that they are being treated as a means of satisfying sexual hunger. Don't be fooled, Taurus is not as cold as it may seem. Behind the external simplicity, the inner world, feelings, and reverent attitude towards love and the opposite sex are also hidden. It's just that Taurus' means of expression are too direct. These men are just as direct in sex: they are undemanding, their preferences are reduced to simple intimate pleasures, familiar to everyone and everyone.