5 conditions for proper foot massaging.

July 7, 2023

1. It is advisable to spend every evening, before a night's rest. 2. Before the massage, you should walk barefoot for several minutes, stretching your feet: rise on your toes, trample, alternately transferring the weight of the body from the inner edges of the feet to the outer ones. Then - take a warm foot bath. 3. An important point of self-massage is the convenience of a posture that provides relaxation of the foot: - sitting, with a bent leg, when the foot lies on the thigh of the other leg; - sitting, with the foot on the support, when the foot is located on the seat of the chair; - reclining-half-sitting on a chair, when the leg rests slightly on the edge of the chair; - lying on your back with a raised bent leg. 4. Massage is carried out with warm warm hands. 5. General massage of each foot should be done for at least 3 minutes.