Horoscope for July. Gemini .

June 30, 2023

It is worth stocking up on patience: in July it will come in handy. It is unlikely that you will succeed quickly, even if you immediately find the right path to the goal, choose the right strategy and tactics. Events can develop much more slowly than usual, and it is unlikely that you will be able to somehow influence this. In the business sphere, you should be more careful, especially if you often have to interact with unfamiliar people, agree with them on some kind of joint action. Trying to win you over to their side, many will make promises without intending to keep them. It will take some time to figure out who you can trust and who you can't. But in everything related to personal relationships, you can rely on intuition: it will tell you in time what to do. July will be favorable for dating, many Gemini will make new friends. The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. However, they are unlikely to immediately develop as you would like. Tense moments, unpleasant surprises are likely.