About kindred spirits...

June 23, 2023

“Everyone should have a person who is not ashamed to invite to visit when the apartment is a mess. If he calls and says that it will be in 10 minutes, you can not tuck your socks under the sofa, do not hide the mountain of ironing in the closet. Because you are sure - he absolutely does not care about your mess. And so unconditionally that he won’t even raise an eyebrow when he steps on Lego from the threshold or sticks his bare foot into a puddle of compote. some stupid “Ku-ku, here I am!” And in his hands he will definitely have a package of amazingly stale cookies from the nearest kiosk. You don’t need to meet him at the entrance, bow and fuss with things. He knows perfectly well where the bathroom is in your apartment and how to get to the kitchen. He will come up, take your hand, he will drag you away from the stove and seat you at the table, quite calmly brushing the crumbs from the table onto the floor. He himself will go to the sink, take out two mugs, saucers and spoons from there, wash and put on the table. And then you will drink tea and dip dry cookies. Or maybe even find candied gooseberry jam on the mezzanine and eat it straight from the jar. And when he leaves, you won’t even remember what you talked about with him. But the mess in the apartment will miraculously evaporate. Now replace the word " apartment” with the word “soul” and read it again.