To be loved...

June 23, 2023

You don't have to be the best to be loved. Do not try to overtake someone, win, come first to the finish line. Fame, success and other things of the material world can wait for you on this pedestal. But love is not measured by pedestals. To be loved, it is not necessary to be right and do everything right. You don't have to be right about everything and always. It won't bring love, you can take my word for it. You don't have to be good to be loved. It does not matter what other people think about you, what they say about you and how you are perceived. The only important thing is what they think of you in the Heavenly Chancellery, although there they just don’t appreciate it, but simply love it. They love not because you are like this or that. They love because you are you. Such as it is. Let imperfect, imperfect, with a bunch of flaws and features, but the only one of its kind. They love not for something, but most often - in spite of something. They just love everything.