4 reasons not to cross the path of a patient Taurus. No. 4 - Fair.

May 21, 2023

The same boomerang, only of earthly origin. Taurus are very fair guys. And, most likely, it was they who came up with the sayings about an eye that is for an eye, about a tooth that is for a tooth ... well, you understand. Retribution will be quite adequate. But only those who crossed the road to the earthly guys will still not like it - Taurus may not calculate the retaliatory strike. Nefig was to get underfoot and interfere with the achievement of great goals. Taurus are quite calm and peaceful creatures. And they will never strike first. But if someone with a sword appeared on their road ... Then let this someone not be offended later - sitting on the side of the road, with the same sword (but not in his hand, but in ... let's not talk about sad things).