Love triangle - where is the way out?

May 17, 2023

A love triangle is a situation where one of the spouses or intimate partners has a relationship with someone else... that is, a romantic relationship involving three people. Where is the way out? Be aware of your role in this relationship. What's your role? Are you a hostage to the situation or its cause? Analyze what you are getting out of this relationship? What are they giving you? Consider your options for getting out of the triangle. Whatever corner of the triangle you are in, take care of yourself, restore your emotional balance, and only then make decisions. Do rely on yourself. MATURE men and women never be caught in love triangles - they are not interested in them and do not need them. A love triangle is essentially a triad - mom-dad-child. And these roles in a triangle flow and change from one to the other. Generally, people who find themselves in such a triangle, have not solved the child-parent conflict with their parents in childhood and are still immature.