How to find out your totem animal by date of birth.

May 10, 2023

There are many different ways to identify your spirit animal. One is to use your date of birth. From December 10 to January 9 - a bear. The bear is associated with strength, protection and stability. These animals create a solid foundation for everything they do and are not afraid to stand up for their beliefs. From January 10 to February 9 - wolverine. Wolverine patronizes disciplined people and reminds them of the need to remain courageous. From February 10 to March 9 - Raven. Raven reminds you to listen to others and practice empathy. Being a smart bird, he suggests that you should constantly develop and not stand still. From March 10 to April 9 - ermine. Ermine symbolizes purity, wisdom and resourcefulness. It is also a symbol of strength and perseverance. From April 10 to May 9 - toad. Toads represent wealth, abundance, ancient wisdom, rebirth and good luck. From May 10 to June 9 - grasshopper. The grasshopper is associated with good luck, prosperity and the achievement of desired goals. He teaches you to trust your intuition, listen to your inner voice and do everything possible to become the best version of yourself.