The zodiac four, which endures the off-season worse than others. Aries.

May 7, 2023

The mood jumps, the sores worsen, everything is bad, bad, bad. Someone copes with the blues with the help of sports, someone leans on fun drinks, and someone crawls under the covers and hibernates. But there are signs that are difficult to adapt, and they turn into squeezed lemons. Under what constellations were these unfortunate creatures born? Aries. Be patient, things will get better soon! friends exclaim and jump around Aries, trying to stir them up. Why are you attached, how can you enjoy life in such weather? How can you smile when the body requires one thing - to fall asleep, so as not to experience suffering? Mars pets become lethargic and lethargic and behave like grumbling old men and grumpy old women.