Zinc and selenium deficiency.

May 6, 2023

Do you know why your diet must include beef, chicken liver, oats, buckwheat, beans, fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, mushrooms, chicken eggs, cottage cheese? These foods are rich in zinc (meats, organ meats, cereals, legumes) and selenium (seafood, dairy products, eggs). This means that they are able to provide your body with a sufficient amount of these minerals and prevent many unpleasant symptoms. Including - with zinc deficiency: - decreased immunity; - colds, allergies, - digestive disorders; - brittle nails and hair loss; - nervousness, irritability, mood swings; - fast fatiguability; - prolonged healing of wounds; - deterioration of vision, including night vision; - distraction, poor coordination; - complications of pregnancy (anomalies in the development of the fetus, - premature birth); - decreased libido and deterioration of sperm quality in men.