In the pool of these signs of the zodiac there are real devils. Pisces are a thousand devils.

May 4, 2023

All representatives of Water are characterized by a still whirlpool - they hide in themselves great strength and thousands of vices. The power of this element is underestimated until they fall into the epicenter of the storm. But there is a representative of Air, whose whirlpool and depth are drawn into an even greater whirlpool of passions. Astrologers will tell about who these damn quiet ones are. Pisces are a thousand devils. The versatility of Pisces is hidden behind an impenetrable cold look and ostentatious indifference. He is in no hurry to open up to strangers, although outwardly he seems to be a sociable and friendly person. Only close people who have lived with Pisces for decades begin to gradually discover all the facets of this complex personality. In the "still pool" of Pisces there is a craving for experiments, dreaminess, bordering on self-deception. When Pisces suddenly takes the place of a leader in a company, although he has always been in the shadows, this comes as a surprise to everyone. Pisces also bring unpleasant surprises: he can live with his beloved for 10 years and endure her antics, and then suddenly leave or start cheating, discouraging relatives and spouse.