The reason why air zodiac men don't want to get married. Gemini.

April 29, 2023

People of the zodiac signs representing the element of Air, justifying this affiliation with frivolity and a bizarre mindset. A common problem faced by the soulmates of Gemini, Aquarius and Libra is that the latter do not want to tie the knot. Astrologers offer to find out why the wards of the elements of Air are in no hurry to get married. Gemini. A man born under the sign of Gemini is used to constantly getting involved in something, leading an active lifestyle and having many friends. The representative of this zodiac sign cannot imagine his life without constant communication. And marriage, as he believes, will certainly block these communications or, at least, significantly limit them. Because Gemini often delay the decision to marry. It is especially difficult for those who are already “about 30”. The adult Gemini has already gotten used to the status of a bachelor. He is accustomed to the frantic rhythm of everyday life, in which it is not easy to fit a family.