How can Gemini not lose the gifts given to them from birth. 1. Energy.

April 22, 2023

Changeable and frivolous Gemini rarely think about the meaning of life and enjoy everything that happens. They are eternal children and do not think about the consequences of their actions. Air guys do not appreciate the gifts that they received from birth. What are these gifts, and how can they be preserved? Gift 1. Energy. The bunnies from the well-known ad about batteries smoke nervously on the sidelines - Gemini can even overtake them. They do not sit still and are always rushing somewhere. This would be energy, but for peaceful purposes. After all, otherwise the air guys will turn off the route and devote their lives to achieving insignificant goals. The twins do not need to "spray" on all sorts of nonsense, then the gift will not be lost, and the forces will remain.