Horoscope for April. Sagittarius.

March 30, 2023

Don't rush into important plans. The beginning of April is hardly suitable for this. At this time, the likelihood of misunderstandings and unfortunate matches will be higher than usual. True, in most cases we will talk only about some annoying little things. But they will be enough for you to begin to doubt yourself and the correctness of the decisions made earlier. Don't be in a hurry to give up. The situation will soon change. Mid-April can seem like a time of dizzying possibilities. They will indeed open, but by no means in the amount you might think at first. It is very important at this time to assess the situation as realistically as possible, not to build illusions (even if you really want to) and not to deceive yourself. Choose what you can, look for the most reliable ways to achieve your goal. Better not to risk it if it can be avoided. The last days of April will be especially successful. From thinking and planning, you will move on to decisive action. Intuition will tell you what to do in order to succeed, and you will listen to it, and not to the advice that others will willingly give. This time is also suitable for trips, including family and romantic ones.