How to get the most out of vegetables and fruits.

March 27, 2023

The most capricious of vitamins is C. It is easily destroyed by heating and oxidation, therefore, in boiled vegetables, fruit purees and even salads, if they stand in the open air for a while, its content decreases significantly. Other vitamins are more resistant to heat and oxygen, but still their long-term exposure reduces the content of vitamins in foods. When boiling vegetables, root crops, herbs, pour as little water as possible. It's even better to steam them. In this case, the vitamins do not pass into the decoction, but are stored in the fruits themselves. Vegetables are best boiled as a whole in a peel, and only then peel and cut. This allows you to save up to 20-40% of vitamins. Dip food in boiling water or spread on a preheated baking sheet. Slow heating destroys more vitamins. Do not cut fruits, vegetables and herbs in advance, as exposure to oxygen significantly reduces the content of vitamins.