Are you afraid of a visit to a krsmetologist? Let's dispel the main fears!

March 26, 2023

Fear number 1, because of which people do not go to the beautician: "I will stop being myself." Many of us have seen photos of "stars" that have changed a lot after cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. Some famous people began to look exactly differently - not better, not younger, but just like a different person. It is quite understandable that the townsfolk who have seen such photos and dozens of similar ones think: “To the forest of these cosmetologists! Even though I’m already very much not twenty years old, but I still want to recognize myself in the mirror! In fact, most of these photos are not about cosmetology, but about plastic surgery. Now, throughout the civilized world, the trend for a natural appearance is gaining momentum. Ideally, after a visit to a beautician, it should not be clear at all that a person went through some kind of beauty manipulation!