Manipulative women. 7th place - Gemini.

March 23, 2023

Sometimes it seems that all the Gemini in childhood instead of Little Red Riding Hood read the book “Don't growl at the dog”, and since then they have acted exclusively on it: no punishments, only positive reinforcement: did you bring slippers? Ah well done, ah, smart girl, you are my good! Took off the leash and ran somewhere all night with the same males? Ay-yay-yay, who was the bad boy? Well, well, well, and who is the good fellow that he returned to his mother? The method, as you understand, is not very effective, since men are not dogs, but much more stupid creatures. But the Twins don't care: if the patient categorically refuses to follow commands on positive reinforcement, the Twins do not use any punishments, but simply hand over the untrainable animal to the shelter. And they start a new one.