How do spices affect the body?

March 21, 2023

Seasonings not only help reveal the taste of food, but also help in the fight against various diseases and strengthen the body. Cumin and dill. Help in the fight against cough. Mint. The best medicine for nausea and headaches. Parsley. Useful properties of parsley: removes excess fluid from the body and improves digestion. Anise. The best remedy for bloating, and also fights chronic constipation. Cinnamon. This spice contains a lot of natural antioxidants that cleanse the body. By the way, cinnamon fights the development of diabetes. Turmeric. Fights excess weight, as it reduces appetite. It also helps wounds heal faster. Cardamom. This is a real treasure. Strengthens the heart, improves cerebral circulation. Helps against overactive thyroid. But if the thyroid gland is working normally, do not lean on cardamom. Curry. Tones, heals wounds and helps in the treatment of pneumonia.