Manipulative women. 12th place - Capricorn.

March 18, 2023

We tell you under which zodiac constellation women were born who achieve their goal without stomping their feet, but forcing men to believe that everything depends on them. Capricorns get an honorable last place, because Capricorns do not manipulate. Capricorns are motivating. They motivate with metaphorical magical pendels with the impact force of a dragline excavator and a ball-baba system ripper (cosmo educational: this is the thing with which buildings are destroyed). That is, as you understand, the matter is exclusively in naming. But if Capricorn is told that such motivation is manipulation in its purest form, Capricorn will raise its horns in an offended manner and ask: “Where is the manipulation here? I am always completely honest and straightforward!” Yes Yes. And whoever gets hurt is simply not a horseman.